Friday, June 25, 2010

Deals to Meals

Have any of you checked out THIS site before? Oh my goodness!!! I have subscribed to this service for a little over 3 years now and I heart it SOOOO much! What is it you might ask? This awesome girl goes through all the grocery ads and tells you when and what to buy when cost are at their all time lowest price. She even puts together an awesome meal plan for the week so you know what to make your family with the food you bought for the week! How awesome is that?!! Because of her I feel so much better about my food storage. The best news is this is NOT just a "Utah" thing! She is helping women save all over the west coast. You have to check it out. She has come to our ward before and taught the ladies some amazing tricks to saving money. I LOVE her recipes too!

Right now she is doing the most AWESOME giveaway....drum roll please......A FREE BOSCH MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, so I NEVER win anything. I could sign up all day long for free giveaways and I still don't win, but I'm secretly hoping that maybe...just MAYBE I have a tiny shot at winning this one. Even if I don't, the Kitchen Aid is going up on KSL and I'm putting that money toward a new Bosch machine. Check out her site!!!!

1 comment:

Halvos said...

This site is super cool! I just signed up for the free trial and put your gmail address as the referral--hope you get some kind of credit! How do you get the meal planner though?