*A fellow UT artisan received the following letter......
I wrote to Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah regarding the CPSIA Law and my (and lots of others') concerns about the impact on small business and handcrafted products. I usually couldn't disagree more with Senator Hatch, but his thoughtful response (not a form letter - yay!) gave me a ray of hope. I've reprinted his letter to me in its entirely below.Dear Ms. Robison:Thank you for contacting me about the regulations resulting from the CPSIA and potential impact on producers and sellers of homemade or handcrafted products.As you probably know, Congress approved and the President signed the CPSIA into law in August 2008. The law is intended to remove harmful products from the consumer marketplace, and I supported the legislation.Often, after Congress enacts new laws, the relevant executive branch agencies issue regulations to provide guidance and technical requirements necessary to keep and enforce the underlying laws. Unfortunately, especially in the case of something as broad as consumer products, it is sometimes the case that the laws or regulations have unintended consequences. The CPSIA was not intended to harm the kinds of small businesses for which you are concerned. It is apparent, however, that the regulations may need to be altered to make exemptions for certain categories of products and businesses.I know that many people in Utah may be affected by the new regulations promulgated by the CPSIA. I will work with my colleagues in the Seante to try to rectify the problem. The 110th Congress is now at its conclusion, but there should be opportunities to work on this issue beginning in 2009.Thank you again for writing and sharing your concerns. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me again on this or other issues.Sincerely,Orrin G. HatchUnited States Senator
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